2016 Shakespeare Festival

The fifth annual Long Island Student Shakespeare Festival took place on April 29, 2016. It was the first time the Festival was at Five Towns College. 180 students from a number of schools presented excerpts from The Tempest, Henry IV Part 1, Measure for Measure, Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and other plays. The guest artist was Ray Jacildo from Toronto, Canada. Students from Five Towns College performed music from As You Like It (composed by Dr. Ed Green) and scenes from Romeo and Juliet.

I had so much fun, and the actors were so into it!

It was amazing! (Stephanie)

Fun and great learning experience (Jada)

The best way to celebrate Shakespeare (Jemima)

The Festival is an amazing, once in a lifetime chance. (Anna)

It’s something you need to experience
to know how amazing it is (Raphael)

An exciting and thrilling event. (Cameron)

A lively and fun experience. (Joseph)

A time to express yourself. (Jasmine)

It was great how everyone came together. (Louis) 

Very interesting experience and
something I haven’t done before. (Emily)

To act or to watch, that’s the question.  (Nathaniel)

I did not like Shakespeare in the beginning
and now my view is different and I like it. (Makenzie) 

It’s filled with color and character. (Josh) 

It was great.  People of different ages coming together
out of their comfort zones to put together
a magical performance. (Josephine) 

To do or not to do, that is the question. (Emily)

A very entertaining, creative, and fun way to appreciate
Shakespeare and the arts. (Mariandre) 

I’d come every year (Angelica)

It was amazing (Irving) 

I would like to come again next time. (Waleed) 

It’s a good place to meet and make friends. (Corrie)

It’s an experience unlike any other. (Alex)

The Shakespeare Festival was great! (Tori) 

A great way to enjoy life and appreciate the arts. (Jennifer)

I enjoyed it very much, for it allowed us to spend time
with other people who shared a love for theater like I do. (Jennifer)     

It was very exciting and extremely fun
watch other acts from different schools from all over Long Island.
I learned a lot form this trip. (Audrey) 

It made me see the true value of Shakespeare’s works. (Shane) 

Shakespeare is love, Shakespeare is life.  (Alleigha) 

And a good time was had by all.  (Sue) 

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